How does it work?

Albidona Orchards

Classes will be held at different times of the days. Walking classes will be an important part of the photography workshop. Some days will be dedicated to field trips. The group will be involved in two local events: the historical Flag Festival (“Festa della bandiera”) in Morano Calabro and a musical event in the town of Albidona. Details TBA.

During the two weeks of full immersion, even moments of leisure are planned to stimulate creativity through the acquired knowledge of local traditions and their context. Participants will be guided in the writing of creative works, be it poetry, short stories, parts of novels or memoirs, and they will read their writings in public in convivial late evening spaces. Some of these will be published in a dedicated book by Rubbettino.

On request it is possible to issue a certificate with a value of six credits from The University of Calabria.
